Codeless automation tools are computer software applications used to automate specific tasks without tackling any programming or coding issue directly involved.
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Codeless QA Tools
With so many different automation tools in the market today, it can be hard to determine which one is best for your needs as a tester.
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5 Best Codeless Automation Tools
01 TestGrid
Whether you’re creating, automating, or testing websites and applications – TestGrid will take care of all kinds of testing.
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TestGrid's features such as automation AI that allows for rapid development and adaptation which is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce costs and achieve higher ROI faster.
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TestGrid Codeless QA Tool
Moreover, TestGrid generates 100% open-standard Appium Code that is perhaps scriptless and requires 70% less maintenance.
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Get Started With Scriptless Web Automation Testing For Free
TestGrid also has an unlimited usage license for all its premium tools