Codeless Automation

Modern codeless automation systems make use of interactive user interfaces to make testing easier.

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These solutions come with machine learning analytics frameworks that can identify changes in the app, enable self-healing, modify elements on the go, and adapt the process as needed. 

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How can you include codeless automated testing into your team?

Before you decide to go codeless, keep in mind that you won’t be able to completely eliminate manual testing.

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2. You Can Reuse Tests

To reduce defects, it’s critical to write smart scripts. In the event that the app or testing scenarios change, these scripts will only require a few iterations.

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3. Hybrid Testing

A hybrid approach to codeless automation testing is the best way to go. It enables multiple tasks.

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A good balance of manual, automated, and codeless can make it easier to move, implement, and get a better return on your investment. 

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Make the Transition to Codeless Automation Testing

Whether using agile or waterfall methodologies, codeless automated testing has a lot of advantages for the testing process.

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Codeless Automation Testing with Testgrid

The lack of code creation and an interactive GUI gives a level playing field for all team members to synchronize. Know more about Testgrid

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So, a combination of manual and codeless automation technologies appears to be a potential strategy to transform testing. 

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3. Reduce Costs by Freeing up Resources

Codeless automation eliminates the need for engineers to participate in the construction of UI testing.

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4. Extend the Automation’s Scope

As part of – or beyond – a project, automated tests can encompass various interfaces across apps.

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5. Shared Automation Solution

Sharing automation flows and components across projects reduces the time it takes to start new automation projects.

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6. Easy Documentation of Processes

UI workflows are both a visual representation of a process and a record of how that process is done.

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