What Is Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is a software testing process that determines the stability of the software.

Let’s understand smoke testing.

When Is Smoke Testing Done?

Once your software team is ready with the base code and basic build of the software, you need to deploy the application for testing.

When Is Smoke Testing Done?

Once your software team is ready with the base code and basic build of the software, you need to deploy the application for testing.

Who Will Do Smoke Testing?

you can do this testing either manually or with the help of automation testing tools like TestGrid.

How To Do Smoke Testing?

The process for implementation can undoubtedly vary depending on your application and the setup of your build tool.

Basic Steps of Smoke Testing

A. Create smoke tests: Test cases are written by hand to automate the process.


Basic Steps of Smoke Testing

B. Execute smoke tests: After creation executed on the build and the results examined.


Basic Steps of Smoke Testing

C. Analyze smoke tests: Once the smoke tests have been completed, the results should be analyzed.

Types of Smoke Testing

A. Manual Method: we need to run the smoke tests manually and new scripts must be generated based on the necessity for each newly introduced feature.


Types of Smoke Testing

B. Automation Method: smoke tests are done using automation testing tools like TestGrid.io, which uses a set of automated test cases.


Types of Smoke Testing

C. Hybrid Method: This method basically combines the manual and automated testing methods to increase the overall performance of software testing.

Advantages of Smoke Testing

-It takes only a few minutes; hence saves your time.  -Find bugs at an early stage of the software.   -Improves effectiveness of QA team   -Improves the final product’s quality


Instead of going for the manual method go for automation testing software  like TestGrid.io.