Validating UI Elements with Database

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UI validation with Database

Step 1:- Click on Add Test Case and create a new testcase.

Step 2:- Add the steps to the testcase to navigate to the screen where elements are visible which we need to validate in the database.

Step 3:- Declare the variables on the test case writer in which values are retrieved from the UI elements.

Step 4:- Declare the empty variables on Test case writer to save values from the database.

Step 5:-  Add a custom script to access the data from the database.


Step 6:- Call the custom script to assign value to the empty variables declared in previous steps.

  • In the custom script you can access the data from the database, which are further assigned to the variables declared by the user.
  • Following is the example script to assign value to variables from the database.


Connection con = WebTestUtility.getConnection("localhost", "1433","BookList" , "admin", "aaaaaa66");
        if(con == null)
            System.out.println("Con is null");
            System.out.println("Connection is done");

  Statement myStmt = con.createStatement();

                ResultSet myRs = myStmt.executeQuery("Select * from BOOKSLIST");
                  System.out.println(myRs.getString(1));  //ISBN Column
                  System.out.println(myRs.getString(2));  //Title Column
                  System.out.println(myRs.getString(3));  //sub title Column
                  System.out.println(myRs.getString(4));  //Auther Column
                  System.out.println(myRs.getString(5));  //Totalpages Column
                  System.out.println(var_ISBNFromUI);  //ISBN Column
                  System.out.println(var_TitleFromUI1);  //Title Column
                  System.out.println(var_SubTitleFromUI1);  //sub title Column
                  System.out.println(var_AuthorFromUI1);  //Auther Column
                  System.out.println(var_TotalPagesFromUI1);  //Totalpages Column
var_ISBNFromDB = myRs.getString(1);
var_TitleFromDB = myRs.getString(2);
var_SubTitleFromDB = myRs.getString(3);
var_AuthorFromDB = myRs.getString(4);
var_TotalPagesFromDB = myRs.getString(5);
  • Once the custom script is executed the next step is to check whether the UI element values are equal to values acquired from the database.
  • For which we use the ‘Check’ function on the variables.

Step 7:- Add steps to check if the value retrieved from UI element is same as the value obtained from the database.

Step 8:- Click on ‘Save’ to save the testcase.

Step 9:- Once testcase is ready select the testcase and click on ‘Run’.

Step 10:- Enter the URL of the website you want to test and tap ‘Next’.


Step 11:- Select the browser and tap ‘Run Test’.

  • As the test case starts to run you can see the log of the testcase execution.

  • You can also see the both values, the one retrieved from the UI elements and the one extracted from the database in the log.

  • If the test run is successfully executed, the user can see the message of “Completed” and “Test success” in the Detailed Log.

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