Key Benefits of Testing Mobile Ads with Automation Testing

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Ads are an easy way to monetize your app. By integrating Ads you can start earning right away.

Ad testing is one of the staples of market research as it directly appeals to measuring and improving marketing effectiveness. Ad testing itself comes in a variety of different flavors depending on where the advert is in development and implementation.

Testing mobile in app Ads has traditionally been a painful, time consuming, and cumbersome process. It requires maintaining test apps for each SDK and setting up Ad placements on ad servers. For example, to just test one Ad, a user had to set it up multiple times and then test it in different apps.

Importance of ad testing
Brand advertisers and their agencies only want to pay for mobile ads that are seen by a person. They do not want to pay for ads that are not ‘viewable’ i.e. they don’t render or are displayed where they are invisible; or for insufficient time to register the message.

With brand advertising a mobile ad does not count as an impression and the advertiser thus should not be charged if:

The ad is not seen by a real person;
Because it fails to render or is displayed where it is unseen, e.g. below the fold, when the visitor doesn’t scroll; or
If there is insufficient time for the visitor to digest its message.


Key Benefits of automating ad testing:

Improved usability
Augmented testing manual for productivity and efficiency looking to enable a rapid feedback delivery and a fast, repeatable and reusable testing software products

Improved flexibility
Reduced time-to-market and cost improvements by focusing on agile software development and scalable testing methodology

Improved productivity
Enhanced reliability of product functionalities and automated business flows inside the testing automation framework.

Improved quality
Increased efficiency of ad serving and data managing processes through faster product builds confirmation and product releases.

There are various mobile automation tools available in market such as Appium, XCTest, etc. that can be used to write automation scripts for testing ads.

Read also: Automation Testing Provides The Best ROI

What we can achieve using ad test automation:

1. Test if ad is visible: We can write test cases that determines if Ad is actually visible on particular screen or not.

2. Test the size of the Ad that is displayed is correct: We can write test cases that verify the frame size of the displayed Ads.

3. Verify network requests are made for Ads: We can write test cases that verify which network call is made for each ad. This can be useful feature when application has multiple ad domains.

4. Verify the amount of data consumed by Ad network calls: We can check the data consumption of the ad calls. It can be useful for performance testing, as we don’t want ads to slow down page load of application.

5. Verify Ad load time: We can test the amount of time it takes to load the Ad. Typically Ad takes 3 to 5 seconds to load.

Above automation test cases are pre-baked into TestGrid’s Test Case Writer suite. With just few clicks, you can start automation testing your Ads on real devices.

Read also: 5 Challenges And Right Practices In Automation Testing