Jira Integration With TestGrid

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Jira is a famous enterprise project management solution created by Atlassian, with a user-friendly interface, task management features, and project analytics. Both the development and testing teams use it to track user stories and progress on each sprint. Jira, in addition to project management, helps with effective bug tracking by offering an area where you can log defects and prioritize them based on your release bandwidth.

How Do You Create a TestGrid Account Integration With Jira?

Step 1: Log in to your TestGrid account. To see and install integrations, you would require administrator or user-level access.

  • After logging into the TestGrid Platform with valid credentials, select More Tools from the menu on the left panel.
  • Select ‘Integration Tools’ from the More Tools drop-down menu.


Step 2: The My Integration Window will appear after you click Integration Tools.

  • After clicking on the integration tool, you will see a list of third-party tools.
  • Then select ‘JIRA’.




Step 3:  Once you click Install, you will be sent to the screen shown below. To set up integration with Jira, enter your credentials in the fields that are marked.



  • What is my Jira host?
  • The domain name for your workspace would be Jira Host. Log into your Jira dashboard and look for it in the URL at the top. As an example, consider https://mysite.atlassian.net. The text displayed in bold in this example is your domain name.


  • What is my Jira email?
  • To sign into your Jira account, you must provide your email address in this form.


  • What is an API token?
  • A server-to-server connection is made when two separate apps communicate with one another. An API token is required for authenticating user identification from one server to another by retrieving user-owned resources available on the server from which the conversation is initiated. API tokens are required for every application’s security and data integrity. They are as important to the end user as they are to the application. API tokens are important when an end user connects to an application via a two-step verification process.


Important: To link JIRA with TestGrid, you must generate an API token with administrative access.

Step 4: Visit https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens for more information. Navigate to “API tokens” on the left and click the button “Create API token” to generate the access key required to validate your user identification on the TestGrid server, concerning your user-owned resources declared on the Jira server.


Notes: The API keys are not required if you are using a self-hosted Jira instance.




Step 5:  After entering the label, press the “Create” button. Choose a label that is easy to remember because your API token will be derived from it. Remember that your API token is as important as your password!




Step 6:  Once your API token has been generated, copy it by clicking the “Copy to clipboard” button. To use this API token for further authentication, you should keep a copy of it. However, if you neglect it or fail to do so for any reason, There is nothing to worry about because you can create a new token by specifying a new label. If you think your API token has been misused, you can also revoke a label that has already been applied.



Step 7:  To continue, click the “Next” button after pasting the API token into the TestGrid field. You only need to add your Jira Personal Access Token (PAT) if you are using a self-hosted Jira instance rather than an API token. and Fill out all required information.


Step 8: After entering your credentials in the fields that are marked, you will see the Select Project window.

  • Select your project Click on integrate projects and install.
  • You will see a successful Popup on the screen after selecting Integrate Projects and installing.



Step 9: In my Integration, you will see your account integrated with Jira.




Step 10: Navigate to the dashboard and then select Pass test cases.



Once you click on Test cases you will see the Pass test cases Screen, then click on one of the test cases.



How To Log Your First Bug Through Jira Integration?

Step 1: After clicking on the test cases you will see the mark bug on the left side of the screen.



Step 2: Click on the mark as a bug you will see the Select test screen window. 

  • Once the select test screen appears click on the test cases.



  • After clicking on test cases You will see the Select Integration Tool Window, and then you can select Jira as an integration tool.
  • Once you click on Jira you will see the Create bug with Jira window appear, then select the project.


Step 3: After clicking on the select project you will see the Create bug-related field so you can enter the appropriate information in that field.

  • Once you enter the appropriate information in the required field,  Select Screenshots right side of the screen.
  • After selecting the screenshots, and clicking on the Submit button you will get a bug successfully report popup on the screen.



Step 4: Go to your Jira dashboard and log in. The logged issue will be immediately visible to you! All of the information you provided through TestGrid would already be displayed in it. TestGrid automatically attaches test environment information and related screenshots to tickets.



As simple as that! Happy Testing 😇


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