App Management
Step 1: Log in to the TestGrid portal with valid credentials.
- After logging into the TestGrid Platform with valid credentials, go to the real device cloud on the left side of the screen.
You will see the real cloud infrastructure once you click on Real Device Cloud.
Step 2: On the top of the screen, click on the installed app.
Step 3: When you click on the Installed App, you will be taken to the Application Install window, where you will provide the required information in the required field.
Step 4: Click on Select Application if you already have one, or you can create an application by simply clicking on Add Application, similarly to Select Version. Further users have to click on next. Please check the screenshots below.
Step 5: Add version will give you the option to choose the platform (iOS and Android) as well as script type (Appium).
Step 6: Upload an IPA for iOS or an APK for Android file from the user’s local machine. The Bundle Identifier field is optional, whereas the Enter Build Name area is required. Now, click Upload.
Step 7: When you hover over the build, you can see the Build Name. The user will now select Next.
Step 8: To install the app on the device, the user will select Device and then click Install.
Step 9: When the installation is complete, a pop-up window with the following summary appears: You have the option to close this pop-up.

Step 10: You can now connect to the device and look for the app to perform the testing.

Happy Testing !!