TG Drive

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The TG-Drive serves as a specialized resource repository designed to facilitate access to various essential files and utilities necessary for executing test case scenarios on demand. This repository is particularly valuable in software testing environments, where quick and efficient access to resources can significantly enhance the testing process.

Step 1: Log in to your TestGrid account.

After logging into the TestGrid Platform with valid credentials, click on “More Tools” to locate TG Drive.



Step 2: File Creator and File Uploader

A user can create a folder and upload various files, such as APKs, images, or other testing-related parameters.


Step 3: File Deployment and Path Retrieval

The uploaded file can be installed on the intended devices in the Device Cloud by clicking on “Select,” after which you can copy the file path for use in your test scripts. Additionally, a user can delete the uploaded file if needed.


This streamlined approach not only enhances accessibility but also improves the execution of test case scenarios, ultimately contributing to a more effective and organized testing environment. Embracing the functionalities of TG-Drive will empower teams to achieve higher-quality outcomes in their software testing efforts.




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