Local executions with Insights data & Page performance summary metric data

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Local executions refer to running automated tests or scripts directly on your local machine rather than on remote servers or cloud-based platforms. This approach typically involves setting up the necessary tools, environments, and dependencies on your computer to execute the tests.

Insight data refers to analyzed, processed, and meaningful information derived from raw data to provide actionable understanding. Insights go beyond mere numbers or statistics; they reveal trends, patterns, and relationships that help businesses, teams, or individuals make informed decisions.

Page Performance Summary Metric Data refers to a collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure how efficiently and effectively a web page performs for users. This data is critical for understanding user experience and optimizing website performance.


  • TestGrid login credentials
  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Install the latest version of JDK on your machine. Appium is compatible with JDK 8 or later versions.

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Choose an IDE to write and execute your Java Appium code. Popular choices include IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans. Make sure your IDE is properly installed and configured.

  • Appium Java Client: Add the Appium Java Client dependency to your Java project. Using a build automation tool like Maven or Gradle, you can include the dependency. The Appium Java Client allows you to interact with the Appium server using Java code.

  • There are client libraries in Java that support Appium’s WebDriver protocol extensions. You should use these client libraries instead of your regular WebDriver client when using Appium.


Step 1: Log in to the TestGrid portal using valid credentials.
  • Click on the Selenium or Appium option to generate the desired capabilities for local execution. After generating the capabilities, you can use them in your local code.



  • If you want to have page performance summary metric data and insights in your local execution result, you need to integrate the following line of code:

// Java Syntax

Add this at the start of your test case

((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“tg:logs”, ImmutableMap.of(“pageLoadStart”, teststep));

Add this after each step

((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“tg:logs”, ImmutableMap.of(“pageLoadEnd”, testStep));

For Example:

((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("tg:logs", ImmutableMap.of("pageLoadStart", "Urldemo1"));
System.out.println("Redirected to " + Urldemo + " successfully.");
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("tg:logs", ImmutableMap.of("pageLoadEnd", "Urldemo1"));

After adding the two lines of code to your local code, you will see the results in the automation section under the test results.


Step 2: Automation session:
  • After clicking on the automation option, select the device or project on which you have executed your local execution.
  • Once you click on the project, you will see the page performance summary page.


  • After clicking on the page-wise data, you will see all the information about test cases. [ i.e. start time, end time, test case name, status, DeviceName]



  • On the Page Summary screen, located on the right-hand side, you will find the Settings option. Here, you can customize the ranges for Good, Average, and Slow performance values. Ensure that you enter appropriate and acceptable values.
  • We have a dropdown option next to the Settings option that allows you to view the page summary data for the previous month, current month, current week, and previous week.




Step 3: Local execution dashboard
  • After selecting your project from the left-side panel, click on the Performance Data option to view detailed analytics. This section offers insights into performance metrics, allowing you to evaluate and optimize your performance summary data effectively.




  • Click on the insights options you will get The Insight Data section provides a comprehensive overview of your website’s user behavior and trends. It analyzes collected data to offer actionable insights, helping you identify patterns, optimize performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve the overall user experience




Happy Testing!!!



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