Download Scriptless Generated Appium Code

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Scriptless Generated Appium Code

Follow the steps shown below to download the script-generated Appium code:

Step 1: Log in to your TestGrid account with valid credentials.

  • Once logged in, click the Add Test Application button on the left side of the panel.
  • You will see the Add Test Application Window appear. Enter the name of your test application, and then click the Save button.

Note: If you already have a test application, you can select test runs or Codeless+AI, then click on test case writer.




  • After clicking on Codeless, you will see your application name. Select the desired application, and then you will see the codeless option. Click on codeless.




Step 2: Click on the “Local Execution” button in the right-top corner.







Step 3: Click on the “Download the Testcases” button in the dialog.




  • It will download a zip file, namely “”.

A snippet of the “” file.




Step 4: To execute the generated code on a local machine, follow the instructions given below:

  •  Install Java, Android, Appium, and Maven.
  •  Download project Appium-android from here: “download”.




It will download a zip file namely “”.

#03 Unzip the zip file and see the “appium-android” folder.

#04 Copy the java files you want to run, into the “appium-android” folder at path: appium-android/src/test/java/appium/tgo/

#05 Start Appium server

#06 Open a terminal and change the current directory to the root folder of project appium-android

#07 Run command: mvn clean

#08 To run any java file Run commandmvn test -Dtest={JavaFileName}{APP_PATH} -Dcapability.udid={UDID} -Dcapability.platformVersion={Device_OS_Version} -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true

Commands example:
mvn test -Dtest=test_case_0 -Dcapability.udid=52003e2feed24559 -Dcapability.platformVersion=7.0 -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true 


As simple as that! Happy Testing 😇

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