Ranorex integration with Testgrid

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Getting started with Ranorex

Step 1. Start Ranorex and Select Web to test over different browsers as shown below:

Step 2. Providing the solution name and the location to store it and then proceed with continue.

Step 3. Putting the test URL and the browser for cross browser testing.

Step 4. Select Do not use whitelisting as shown below.

Step 5. Now click on finish to proceed further.


Setting up WebDriver Endpoint to run tests on TestGrid

Step 1. Upon creating a solution, you will notice that a default test suite would be configured in Ranorex. The test suite has three files OpenBrowser, which contains step to open the browser with the URL specified in Step 4 of Getting started with Ranorex section, Recording1, which contains all the steps executed on the URL, and CloseBrowser, containing steps to close the application.

Step 2. Run the test suite on TestGrid, add the TestGrid endpoint by selecting the Endpoints from View tab.

Step 3. Now, click on add endpoint.

Step 4. Select WebDriver in Select endpoint type section, provide an Endpoint name and Address(Hub URL). You can check your connection by clicking on Test connection. Click on Add endpoint as shown in the below figure:

Step 5. You have successfully setup a WebDriver endpoint for TestGrid.

Executing Ranorex tests on Testgrid

Step1. To execute the Ranorex test on TestGrid you need to add a new configuration to set up the TesgGrid desired capabilities, this can be done by selecting the Endpoints tab and select the View details option from the endpoint added.

Step 2. Add the following capabilities in Capabilities JSON section and add a name to the configuration in the Name field and Save it.

Step 3. Now, we can Select this remote endpoint of TestGrid and run our Ranorex recorded testcases on it.

Step 4. A Ranorex report will be generated based on the test execution status as shown below:


Happy Testing!

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