Executing Your Local Selenium Code for Web Browsers
The open-source Selenium toolkit is primarily used to automate web browsers.
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera are just a few of the web browsers that Selenium supports. This makes it possible for testers to conduct cross-browser testing to guarantee uniform behavior across various browsers.
For quicker results, you can quickly set up and test your web browser’s local code using Selenium with TestGrid.
- TestGrid login credentials
Java Development Kit (JDK): Install the latest version of JDK on your machine. Appium is compatible with JDK 8 or later versions.
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Choose an IDE to write and execute your Java Appium code. Popular choices include IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans. Make sure your IDE is properly installed and configured.
Appium Java Client: Add the Appium Java Client dependency to your Java project. Using a build automation tool like Maven or Gradle, you can include the dependency. The Appium Java Client allows you to interact with the Appium server using Java code.
There are client libraries in Java that support Appium’s WebDriver protocol extensions. You should use these client libraries instead of your regular WebDriver client when using Appium.
Start configuring your local Java or other language code right away.
Step 1: Open the Device Cloud tab and locate the appropriate browser’s information for running.
Login with TestGrid credentials and go to the Devices Cloud option tab.
Once the device cloud screen appears, you can find several devices and browsers there.
Step 2: Now, Choose the browser in which you want to run your local Selenium code.
Step 3: Select the browser and update the “Browser Run URL (Public)” and “Browser Type” provided in your local Selenium code.
- When you click on the ‘i’ button, you will see the device information and desired capabilities window.
Notes: To use our device cloud with Web local execution, the following list of capabilities must be used:
For example
{ "browserName": "Chrome", "platformName": "Linux", "tg:userToken": "4dro2mqijmffubwp9qtnx6frg2nuiuzmynjh", "browserUrl": "http://{Your_Domain}.testgrid.io:351411/wd/hub", "tg:udid": "101", }
Step 4: Steps to execute local Selenium code.
- setBrowserName capability to one of the following:
- BrowserType.CHROME
- BrowserType.FIREFOX
- BrowserType.EDGE
- BrowserType.SAFARI
Notes: The user can pass either “tg:userToken” capability or can pass “tg: userName” and “tg: password” capabilities for authentication.
// 1. Set the capabilities of the driver DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); capabilities.setCapability("tg:udid", "101"); capabilities.setCapability("tg:userToken", "< Your_User_token_here >"); capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "chrome"); // You can use this capability to categorise your test results. capabilities.setCapability("tg:projectName", "WebDemoqa"); WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://{_YOUR_Domain_}/browserrun35511/wd/hub"), capabilities);
// Java Syntax Add this at the start of your test to provide the test case name on the automation results screen.
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("tg:logs", ImmutableMap.of("testcaseName", "SampleTestCase"));
//Add this after each step to add a screenshot for each step for visual testing.
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("tg:logs", ImmutableMap.of("testStepName", "Step Description"));
Testcases pass or fail status can be added to the TestGrid Automation results screen by adding the following line of code:.
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("tg:action", "{\"status\": \"passed\", \"case\": \"Reason for the testcase!\"}");
// Fail
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("tg:action", "{\"status\": \"failed\", \"case\": \"Reason for the testcase!\"}");
Step 5: Determine the user’s Token capabilities.
a. Go to the Dashboard and then click on the Created “Test Runs Application”. After that, click on “Test Case Writer” and then click on “Versions.” On the same screen, look for the “i” button in the upper right corner.
b. Select the “i” button icon and obtain the user token from there.
Step 6: Execute your local Selenium code. Below is the sample for Java.
For example, Selenium uses JAVA.
import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; public class ChromeGridTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String url = "https://demoqa.com/"; try { // ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions(); DesiredCapabilities chromeOptions = new DesiredCapabilities(); chromeOptions.setCapability("browserName", "firefox"); chromeOptions.setCapability("platformName", "linux"); chromeOptions.setCapability("tg:userToken", "Your_User_token_here"); capabilities.setCapability("tg:projectName", "GoodWeather"); // Either you can use a user token or username and password for authentication chromeOptions.setCapability("tg:userName", "< Your_Emails_ID >"); chromeOptions.setCapability("tg:password", "< Your_Password >"); chromeOptions.setCapability("tg:udid", "201"); WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://{_YOUR_Domain_}.testgrid.io:34555/wd/hub"), chromeOptions); Thread.sleep(15000); driver.get(url); System.out.println("Redirected to "+url+" successfully. "); Thread.sleep(15000); // Replace driver.wait with Thread.sleep for the desired delay driver.quit(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Step 7: View live results on the TestGrid Device cloud.
Additionally, the remote execution of code can also be viewed live on the TestGrid Device Cloud.
As simple as that! Happy Testing
Please refer to the attached documents if you are using TestGrid One’s older Local Execution feature. Executing Your Local Selenium Code